Belonging, Access, and Success in Education Grant

Application for the BASE Grant for 2024-2025








Which qualifications do you meet? ( See information sheet) (required)


Have you been accepted to WSCC? (required)

Have you completed the FAFSA? (required)

Upload a copy of your Student Summary Report from the FAFSA website


What is your parents' highest level of School? ( Highest for both parents collectively) (required)

What is your county of residence? (required)

Do you understand if you receive this grant, you will be required to attend THREE cultural events each semester and join a club or organization? (required)

Do you understand that if you are under 21 years of age, by accepting this grant, you give this office permission to contact your parent/guardian regarding your academic progress and /lack thereof, as well as social issues? (required)

Do you understand that if given this grant, you will need to meet/contact the appropriate staff from this office at least twice a semester? (required)
