DCEA CCAMPIS Grant Application

To be eligible for this grant, students must meet the following requirements.

Check all applicable Eligibility Requirements:

Priority will be given to students who meet at least one of the following priorities. (please check all that apply)







Gender (required)

Race (required)

Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish Origin? (required)

Marital Status (required)

Enrollment Status (required)





Which campus will you be attending (required)

Are you currently employed (required)

if yes, (previous question), please choose an option below:


Have you been accepted to WSCC? (required)

Have you completed the FAFSA? (required)

What is your parents' highest level of education? (highest for both parents collectively) (required)


Please Understand, if approved to receive this grant, there is a requirement to participate in a CAMPIS Childcare Grant Orientation during your first semester of CCAMPIS entry. Verify this understanding by clicking yes or no. (required)

Please Understand, if approved to receive this grant, there is a requirement to meet with your CCAMPIS Specialist at least twice per semester. Verify this understanding by clicking yes or no. (required)

Please Understand, if approved to receive this grant, there is a requirement to participate in at least one workshop, seminar, or parenting activity per semester. Verify this understanding by clicking yes or no. (required)

Please Understand, if approved to receive this grant, additional requirements include signing a childcare grant agreement, following childcare center policy, regularly attending classes, meeting once per semester with your academic advisor, and remaining in good academic standing. Verify this understanding by clicking yes or no. (required)

By typing your name below, you acknowledge that all information you have submitted in this form is correct and this will be used as an electronic signature.
