
Cashiers Office Payment FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Please click on a question below to view the answer.

May I use my check card to pay my tuition?
Yes, you may present your card along with a valid ID to any campus cashier to process payment. You will need your bank account and routing information to process an electronic check payment. You may also pay online through MyWS.
May I use a credit card to pay my tuition?
Yes. WSCC accepts MasterCard, VISA, or Discover. Payments may be made through MyWS or at any campus Cashier's Office. Present your credit card and your valid ID.
Why do I have to pay a Program Services Fee if I do not participate in any Student Activities?
Students are assessed the Program Services Fee to assist the college in providing services such as applications, registration, counseling, graduation and requests for transcripts. Additionally, the Program Services Fee supports the college's ability to offer Library resources and to fund facility and furniture improvements in student-focused ares on Walters State's campuses.
What is a Technology Fee and why do I have to pay it if I am not in Technology classes?
The Technology Fee is a mandatory fee charged to all students enrolled in courses for credit or audit. The funds
collected are used to support instructional technology and to provide open computer labs for students to use. 
What is the International Education Fee and why do I have to pay it?
The International Education Fee is a mandatory fee charged to all students enrolled in courses for credit or audit. The funds collected are used to support activities educating the student body in international cultural, events, etc. The funds are also used to support study abroad scholarships.
Can I make a partial payment on my student account?
Students may make payments to their account up to the fee payment deadline. All fees must be paid in full, or a deferred payment plan successfully set up, prior to the fee payment deadline to confirm a students' enrollment. Refer to the Cashier's Office web page for fee payment deadlines or the current timetable of classes.
Does WSCC offer a payment plan/deferred payment for tution?
Yes. WSCC offers a deferred payment plan for tuition each semester. The deferred payment plan allows a student of authorized user to make a down payment plus pay a $25.00 service fee (non-refundable) and defer the remaining balance to be paid in future installments, usually 30 days apart. For additional information, refer to the Cashier's Office webpage or contact the Cashier's Office at 423.585.2616.

A deferred payment plan may be set up through MyWS or with the assistance of a cashier located on any WSCC campus (where available).
Why can't you talk to my mom/dad/husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend about my account?
Due to the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Acts (FERPA), we cannot discuss a student's specific account with anyone except the student unless the student grants their permission. The student may sign a release of information form with the Cashier's Office granting the Cashier's Office to discuss their account with others. Contact the Cashier's Office at 423.585.2616 if you wish to sign a release of information form.
Can I post-date a check?
No. The Cashier's Office will process all checks when received no matter the date on the check.
Do Senior Citizens receive a discount?
Yes. Please refer to the Cashier's Office web page.
If an outside entity (third party) is paying my fees, what do I need to do?

The outside entity or third party must send WSCC the authorization of payment at least a minimum of two days prior to the fee payment deadline. This should allow enough time for the Cashier's Office to process the authorization and apply it to a student's account prior to the fee payment deadline.

If WSCC has not participated in a previous authorization program with the outside entity or third party, the outside entity must submit a completed W-9 Form to the Cashier's Office one week prior to the fee payment deadline.

Please contact the Morristown Campus Cashier's Office at 423.585.2616 for questions concerning the third party processing. 




Do I really need a parking hang tag?
No. Student parking permits are no longer required at WSCC.
What do I do if I get a parking ticket I feel is unjustified?
In order for students to dispute a parking ticket, the student must sign up for traffic court with the Student Affairs Office located in room 300 of the R. Jack Fishman Library on the Morristown Campus. The complaint must be logged with the Student Affairs Office within 10 days of the date of the citation.
Students appealing citations at satellite campus sites (Claiborne County, Niswonger, and Sevier County) will not be required to travel to the Morristown campus. Traffic court will be held at these campus sites via remote broadcast.

For additional information concerning procedures for disputing a traffic citation or traffic court, please contact Casey Fielden in the Student Affairs Office at 423.585.6902 or refer to the Walters State Catalog. The Cashier's Office does not have the authority to void parking tickets. The Cashier's Office can only process your payment of the parking citation and release a students' hold pertaining to a parking citation.
Where can students park?



Financial Aid

I have applied for financial aid but I have not heard anything yet and my fees are due. How do I pay my fees and purchase books?
Educational expenses are the responsibility of the student. All tuition/fees must be paid in full by the student or by financial assistance posted to the student account or a combination thereof prior to the fee payment deadline to confirm enrollment. Additionally, successful enrollment in a deferred payment plan prior to the fee payment deadline will also confirm enrollment. A student's schedule which remains unpaid after the fee payment deadline results in forfeiting the seating rights to the course(s) registered; therefore, the student's class schedule is deleted.

Students may re-register and pay fees in accordance to the published registration and fee payment calendar for the term as published in the Timetable of Classes.

The Financial Aid Office establishes priority deadlines for processing applications received. These applications are processed on a first come first served basis as information is submitted to the Financial Aid Office. If a student applies for assistance after the priority deadline, the student is advised to be prepared to pay all educational expenses prior to the fee payment deadline or enroll in a deferred payment plan if their personal finances are sufficient for the student to enter into such an agreement. If a student pays their educational expenses or enrolls in a deferred payment plan and then aid is posted to the student account, the student will receive the amount of their award by direct deposit or by check in the mail or a reduction in future installments. A student may monitor the progress of their financial aid application through MyWS Financial Aid Menu located under the Alerts.

Financial Aid Book/Supply Advances are granted to students whose financial aid has been posted to their student account 10 days prior to the official first day of classes per the academic calendar. Book/Supply Advances are the lesser of the student's credit balance or $725.00. Refer to the Cashier's Office disbursement information. For students whose financial aid is awarded after this timeframe, these students will need to make personal financial arrangements to purchase their books until their aid is disbursed for the semester as published. Students are encouraged to apply for financial aid early and respond immediately to all financial aid correspondence.
Why do I have to attend all my classes before my excess of aid refund will be disbursed?
It is a federal law passed by the U. S. Congress and implemented by the Department of Education that a student can only receive aid for classes for which the student attends. Otherwise the student is not eligible for the aid awarded. Because of this, WSCC requires that faculty report students' attendance electronically. If attendance is not reported, the Cashier's Office will not process an excess of aid refund.
Can I have my excess of aid check sent to an off-campus location?
No. Financial Aid refunds are either processed by direct deposit or mailed to a student's permanent address on file.
When do I receive my Tennessee Student Assistance Award (TSAA) check?
TSAA awards are included when excess of aid refunds are disbursed at the beginning of each semester according to published disbursement dates. Eligible recipients should receive a financial aid award notification letter from WSCC. Additionally, these awards may be viewed at MyWS either through the Financial Aid Menu located under the Alerts or when awards are posted to the account. For questions concerning the TSAA program or a student's award, contact the Financial Aid Office at (423) 585 - 6811.
When do I receive my Lottery check?
Lottery awards are included when excess of aid refunds are disbursed at the beginning of each semester according to published disbursement dates. Eligible recipients should receive a financial aid award notification letter from WSCC. Additionally, these awards may be viewed at MyWS either through the Financial Aid Menu located under the Alerts or when awards are posted to the account. For questions concerning the Lottery program or a student's award, contact the Financial Aid Office at (423) 585 - 6811.




If I drop a class during a refund period when and how do I get my refund?
The Cashier's Office starts processing refunds on dropped classes approximately 20 days from the official start of the semester. Please refer to the refund schedule on the Cashier's Office web page or the timetable of classes published each semester. Refunds are disbursed in the following priority: 1. Returned to debit / credit card from which payment was made for the semester. 2. Direct Deposit if a refund profile has been created. 3. Paper check mailed to students' permanent address on file. For additional information, refer to the refund policies on the Cashier's Office web page or the current semester timetable of classes.
Why didn't I get a refund?
A refund only occurs if the adjusted costs of classes is less than the original charges assessed or paid. If you have questions concerning refunds, please contact the Cashier's Office on the Morristown Campus at 423.585.2616.




Need help getting started?

We got your back! Financial Aid 101 will tell you everything you need to know.


