Early Childhood Education (A.S.)

Additional Information

Background Checks

All applicants must complete a Tennessee Bureau of Investigations (TBI) Background check


Higher Impact Practice - Service Learning Requirement

Course Specific Note EDUC 2210; 2300; SPED 2010.

This course has a required High Impact Practice - Service Learning - requirement. Within the Service Learning requirement, there are three sub-components to be aware of: (1) completion of a Tennessee Bureau of Investigations (TBI) Background check with no indicators; (2) completion of 12 hours of Service Learning within a current departmentally approved Service Learning site; and (3) purchase of liability insurance through STEA or the college (Aon). Components 1 & 3 require additional fees to be paid by student and must be completed before beginning the service learning experience. Service Learning must be completed for a passing grade to be assigned for this course.

Service Learning/Practicum is required for education students and the student may be required to submit to a yearly background check that is valid through the date service learning will be completed and will be required to obtain yearly current liability insurance. Student, please note: The Service Learning Coordinator will do their best to accommodate your request, but it is not guaranteed.


What can you do with an Associate of Science Degree?

Typical job opportunities:

  • Head Start Teacher or Assistant Teacher
  • Child-care and Education Center Administrator
  • Child-care and Education Center Teacher or Assistant Teacher
  • Pre K , Kindergarten or Elementary School Classroom Assistant

(Please note that teaching kindergarten through third grade requires a four-year degree)


Preparing for the CDA (Child Development Associate Credential)

Students who are interested in preparing for a CDA credential can take the required courses to prepare for the CDA at Walters State. The AAS program includes the coursework that supports educational requirements for the CDA credential. This credential is awarded by the Council for Professional Development.

Check with an Early Childhood Education advisor for a list of courses which are needed to meet educational requirements for National Child Development Associate (CDA) credentialing preparation.


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