You must apply and be admitted to the college. Visit the Steps to Enrollment for more information about the process.
Please note, some programs of study such as the Basic Law Enforcement Officer Academy have additional admissions requirements. You may wish to contact the specific academic division for more information.
If you plan on using your military benefits and do not want to pay tuition and fees while your benefits are being processed, you must request Payment Deferment.
The admissions process and enrolling in classes must be complete before the school can certify your enrollment; however, you can apply for VA benefits before admittance to the college or enrolling in classes. This is encouraged because it may take a few weeks for the VA to process your application.
You may also apply for financial aid assistance
This can be done before you have been accepted to college
The submission of your application will result in the issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility from the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs. If you have questions or need assistance completing the application, contact the VA Education Call Center at 1.888.442.4551.
VA Chapter 1606 (Guard & Reserves only)
If you are applying for Chapter 1606
If you need assistance on the MyArmyBenefits Website, you may call their Help Desk at 1.888.721.2769.
Once you have obtained all the documents above, call and make an appointment with the WSCC VA Certifying Official at 423-585-6896 to complete the certifying process.
Room U181
Student Services Building
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Phone: 423.585.6896
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