Cost & Aid FAQ

Questions about College Cost and Financial Aid

Click on a question below to view the answer to some of our most frequently asked questions. If you can't find the information you need, please don't hesitate to contact us.


General Questions

How do I apply for financial aid and are there any deadlines?
You can apply for financial aid by completing the FAFSA beginning October 1st. You can complete your application electronically at The information you provide on the FAFSA is also used to determine your eligibility for some state and institutional scholarships. WSCC's fall priority deadline is June 30. Students who apply after this date or who turn in required documentation after this date, may have to pay for tuition and fees until a determination of aid can be determined.
I probably don't qualify for aid. Should I apply for aid anyway?
Yes. We encourage everyone to apply! Often students who don't think they will be eligible are eligible. The FAFSA form is free. There is no good excuse for not applying.
How do I start the financial aid process?
Complete a Free online Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA as soon as possible after October 1st. This begins the financial aid process.
Do I need to be admitted before I can apply for financial aid?
No. You can apply for financial aid anytime beginning October 1st; however, we will not receive the electronic copy of your Student Aid Report (SAR) until admissions is complete.
Do I have to reapply for financial aid every year?
Yes. You have to fill out the FAFSA every year you are in school. Note that your eligibility for financial aid may change significantly from year to year based on household size, income number of family members in college, etc. Renewal of your financial aid package also depends on your making satisfactory academic progress towards a degree, such as earning a minimum number of credits and achieving a minimum GPA. Yes. If your financial circumstances change, you may get more or less aid.
What happens if I purposely provide inaccurate information and I am caught?
If you use the FAFSA to apply for Federal student aid funds and provide false information, you are subject to fines and/or imprisonment under the U.S. Criminal Code. State and local laws may also apply in such cases.
When can I expect to hear about my financial aid package?
For new applicants to Walters State, you must be accepted for admission before your FAFSA will be loaded into our college system. Depending on the time of year you file and/or turn in requested documentation, it may take 2-6 weeks for processing. Processing for the upcoming award year begins in early April of each year. The first batch of award notifications is generally emailed in late April. Students may also check MyWS for the current status of their application. Generally speaking, the closer it gets to the term start date, the longer it takes to process the FAFSA. This is due to the volume of applications that are received after the 6/30 priority deadline. Hence, apply early!


FAFSA Questions

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Where can I get a copy of the FAFSA?
f you are in high school, you can ask your guidance counselor for a copy. You can also get the FAFSA from the financial aid office at a local college, your local public library, or by calling 1-800-4-FED-AID. The online version of the form is available at (WSCC recommends using the electronic version for faster filing & results).
How do I file the FAFSA?
Online :  (WSCC recommends using the online version for faster filing & results).
What documents are needed to complete the FAFSA?
The FAFSA asks for information about you (and your spouse, if married), your parents if you are a dependent student and your financial situation. Some of the information you need to complete the FAFSA includes:
  • social security numbers
  • alien registration number if you are not a U.S. citizen
  • federal tax returns (1040, 1040A, 1040-EZ)
  • W-2 forms
  • 1099 forms
  • records of your untaxed income(including child support received and interest income)
  • Other income information (such as your cash, savings and checking account balancesinvestments, stocks, bonds, real estate, business and farm assets
Be sure to keep copies of all of your financial information in case you are selected for verification. Reminder the financial aid office cannot accept a copy of your federal tax return and you may be required to provide a copy of your official IRS Tax Return Transcript.
I sent in my FAFSA over four weeks ago, but haven't heard anything. What should I do?
If you haven't received a Student Aid Report (SAR) from the U.S. Department of Education either by mail or e-mail after 4 weeks, call the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-4-FED-AID (toll free) or 1-319-337-5665. You must provide them with your Social Security number and date of birth as verification.
You can also write to: Federal Student Aid Programs PO Box 4038 Washington, DC 52243-4038
What are the next steps after completing the FAFSA?
The FAFSA is only the first step in the financial aid process. After your FAFSA has been processed you will get a Student Aid Report (SAR) from the Department of Education. It is important to review your student aid report very carefully to make sure all of the information reported on the FAFSA is correct. If you find any errors you may log back into the FAFSA and update your application. The next step is to follow up with the financial aid office to ensure that they have received your application. If you are selected for verification you may be required to submit additional information to the financial aid office to complete the processing of your application. Check your Senators Mail and MyWS account frequently. Remember deadlines are important!
Why do I need to apply for a Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID)?
Your Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID) is comprised of a username and password that allows you to sign the FAFSA electronically. Your FSA ID will also allow you to request personal information online
If you are a dependent student your parent will also need a FSA ID to sign the FAFSA. Student and parent will complete separate registrations using separate email addresses.
The FSA ID has the same legal status as your written signature. DO NOT GIVE YOUR FSA ID TO ANYONE as this could put you at risk of identity theft.
What if I forgot my FSA ID?
You can retrieve your Username or Password here.


Family Relationship / Personal Status Questions

How do I become an Independent Student for Federal Aid purposes?
How do I become an Independent Student for Federal Aid purposes? You may be considered independent if you meet at least one of the following requirements:
  • 24 years of age at the time you filed the FAFSA
  • Veteran of the US Armed Forces
  • Married
  • Any time since age 13 you were an orphan, ward of the court, or in foster care
  • Have a legal dependent for whom you provide more than half of their support
  • Enrolled in a graduate or professional program
  • Determined by a court in your state of legal residence that you are an emancipated minor or you are in legal guardianship
  • Determined to be an unaccompanied youth who was homeless
  • Serving on active duty in the US Armed Forces for purposes other than training

If you do not meet any of the above requirements, but you have unusual circumstances such as parental abuse or abandonment- and beginning in 2023-2024, human trafficking as described in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (22 U.S.C. 7101 et seq) - legally granted refugee or asylum status, or parent incarceration, you could be eligible to request a dependency override. For more information see Unusual & Special Circumstances
I was married last year and am no longer married. How do I file?
You file as divorced or separated and report only your portion of income, taxes and assets.
I plan to marry after the school year begins, can I fill out my FAFSA as married?
No. You must indicate your marital status as of the date you are completing the FAFSA.
My parents are separated (or divorced). Which parent fills out the FAFSA?
If your parents are separated or divorced, the custodial parent should file the FAFSA. The custodial parent is the parent with whom you lived the most during the past 12 months. Note that this is not necessarily the same as the parent who has legal custody. If you did not live with one parent more than the other, the parent who provided you with the most financial support should fill out the FAFSA. This is probably the parent who claimed you as a dependent on their tax return. If you have not received any support from either parent during the past 12 months, use the most recent calendar year for which you received some support from a parent or lived with either parent.
My parents had no income or assets, should I leave the parents' part of the FAFSA blank or enter all (0's)?
It is virtually impossible for anyone to live for a year without having some sort of income or spending accumulated assets. If parents have no earnings or assets, they probably had untaxed income from some source. Be sure an answer the questions related to income received from other sources than work for both you and your parents However, if indeed your parents truly had no income or assets, enter zeros (0's). Then the processor will know you didn't just forget to answer the questions.
My parents are divorced, and the parent I'm living with has remarried. Does my step-parent have to report his or her income and assets on the FAFSA?
Yes, provided that the parent you're living with is the one filling out the FAFSA (your custodial parent). If your step-parent is married to them at the time you fill out the FAFSA, they must report their income and assets even if they weren't married to them in the previous year. Example: You have been living with your mother and stepfather for the past 12 months. You would use your mother's income and stepfather's income, and you would report on the FAFSA as the number in family: yourself, your mother, your stepfather, and any other children that they support.
My custodial parent remarried and signed a prenuptial agreement that absolves the step-parent from financial responsibility for my education. Why does my step-parent have to provide financial information on the FAFSA?
Prenuptial agreements are ignored by the federal need analysis process. After all, two individuals (parent and step-parent) cannot make an agreement between them that is binding on a third party (the federal government). The federal government considers the step-parent a source of support regardless of any prenuptial agreements to the contrary. If a step-parent marries the parent, he or she is considered responsible for supporting the parent and children even if he or she is unwilling to do so.
What if my family's financial circumstances change drastically during a given year? What can be done?
There are circumstances that allow the Financial Aid Office to review student's current income and make a professional judgment in regard to eligibility. These circumstances could include: job loss due to unemployment or illness, separation or divorce, or unusual medical expenses. If conditions such as these occur, contact the Financial Aid Office and request information regarding a "Request for Recalculation." Do not send any letters to the federal aid processing center. They are not able to adjust your aid eligibility.
Can I obtain an estimate of my federal family contribution (EFC)?
You can use Estimate Your Federal Student Aid to learn about the financial aid process and get an early estimate of your eligibility for federal student aid. Additionally, the College Board, originators of the well-known SAT tests, has a page on their web site for families to determine their federal expected family contribution. You can find this web site at
Are there any programs that provide student financial assistance to homeschooled children?
Homeschooled students are eligible for federal student aid for college if they have "completed a secondary school education in a home school setting that is treated as a home school or private school under State law" (Section 484(d)(3) of the Higher Education Act of 1965). High school dropouts must take a GED exam but students who have completed a home schooled secondary education that satisfies the requirements of state law do not.


Monetary Questions

How is my financial aid award determined?
The federal processor determines your individual family's ability to contribute to the cost of education ("Expected Family Contribution") by using the information you provide on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and a formula called "federal methodology." The formula considers your parents' and your income and assets, your family size and the number of family members enrolled in college. The EFC will be the same at any college you attend. After receiving your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) amount from the federal processor, the Office of Financial Aid then subtracts your EFC from the standard student budget (average cost of attendance). In formula form:
Cost of Attendance - EFC = Student Financial Need
How do I find a job on campus?
To qualify, recipients must apply for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), with the results indicating that they have a financial need. Additionally, a Work Study application is required Open the work-study application now. Students who qualify for work-study will be assigned a campus job. We give supervisors the right to accept or decline a current worker who plans on returning for the following year. Students will be assigned their jobs according to openings we have on campus. Work Study is a need-based program.
How much can I earn before I disqualify for aid?
There are no income cutoffs when determining a student's financial aid eligibility. Many factors are taken into consideration when determining a family's ability to pay beyond parental income such as household size, number of dependent children in college, family assets, and cost of the institution; so it is impossible to determine your eligibility based strictly on income. To know if you will qualify for financial aid. You Must Apply
How much financial aid will I receive?
You must submit an application before an award amount can be determined. Financial aid depends upon a variety of circumstances including enrollment status, student, and student's family economic condition, and assets. You will be sent an award letter indicating your award amount and you may also view award amounts through MyWS.
Do I have to pay taxes on the money I earn through Federal Work-Study?
Yes. Work-study income is taxable. You will receive a W-2 form from the WSCC Business Office at the end of each year, and this form will indicate how much you made from all employment at the college, including work-study employment in the prior year.
Can I expect to receive the same financial aid package each year?
No, although the amount maybe close if your situation does not change. You are required to apply for financial aid (FAFSA) each year. Many types of financial aid are based on "need" and therefore may vary per year.
Can my financial aid award amount change?
Can my financial aid award amount change? Yes. As stated in the student award notification, initial financial aid awards are based on full time enrollment and are best estimates of what you are eligible to receive. Most changes in awards, however, involve factors that are under your control, such as enrollment changes. Your award may be increased, reduced, or even canceled, if:
  • You receive any additional outside resource, such as a privately awarded scholarship, which was not listed on your award notification.
  • You provided incorrect data on your FAFSA.
  • You do not maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  • You are suspended by WSCC.
  • Transcripts, award amounts or other information that impacts eligibility is received from a college where you previously received aid.
  • You do not enroll for the required number of hours to receive aid through the programs awarded to you.
What expenses will financial aid cover?
Financial aid is awarded based on an average Cost of Attendance that includes appropriate tuition/fees for your educational program, books/supplies and other educational expenses. Other educational expenses consist of living, transportation, personal and miscellaneous expenses during the academic year
Will savings and other assets be considered when my financial need is evaluated?
Family assets, such as stocks and bonds, net business worth, and savings are taken into account in determining the student's expected family contribution toward his/her education. Eligibility for federal financial aid funds is determined by rules set by the government that provide, among other things, allowances for retirement needs in computing this contribution.


School Related Questions

Can I get aid for summer school?
It depends on the award and your remaining eligibility. Many scholarships are not available during the summer. Work-Study may be available in some cases. Check with the financial aid office.
How do I compare aid from other schools?
Financial aid packages should be evaluated based on quantity and quality. A good measure of the quantity of your aid package is to figure out how much financial aid money you will have left after paying your tuition and fees instead of simply considering the total amount. The college offers a Federal Shopping Sheet that can be used to assist you with this information. The shopping sheet can be accessed through MyWS.
Can audit courses be used to receive financial aid?
No. Audit course hours cannot be used to fulfill your hour requirement for financial aid.
Are transfer hours and/or aid received from other schools considered when evaluating Satisfactory Academic Progress status (ie. max hours)?
Yes. Federal directives allow students to receive aid for 150% of the program length. Thus, for a 60 credit hour program, a student may receive aid for no more than 90 hours.
Will outside scholarships affect my financial aid package?
Outside scholarships must be included in your financial aid package as a resource. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the financial aid office of all outside scholarship awards.
I received an outside scholarship. Should I report it to the financial aid office?
Yes. If you are receiving any kind of aid from any source, you must report the scholarship to the Financial Aid Office.
What happens to my financial aid status if I withdraw from school?
Contact the Financial Aid Office before withdrawing from school. Depending upon when you withdraw from school, you may be required to repay a specified percentage of any aid you have received in the term in which you are withdrawing, since the funds you receive are designed to help you meet your living expenses for the entire term. This will also impact your satisfactory academic progress.


Miscellaneous Questions

What is a Student Aid Report (SAR)?
The U. S. Department of Education will process your FAFSA in approximately one week. You will then receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) in the email. The SAR will reflect the information from your application and, if there are no questions or problems with your application, your SAR will provide your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). This is the number used in determining your eligibility for federal student aid. Be sure to list Walters State's school code 008863.
What do those acronyms on the Student Aid Report (SAR) mean?

The acronyms on the bottom of the SAR represent intermediate results in the need analysis. The meanings of the acronyms are as follows:
EFC - Expected Family Contribution

TI - Total Income

ATI - Allowances Against Total Income

STX - State and Other Tax Allowance

EA - Employment Allowance

IPA - Income Protection Allowance

AI -  Adjusted Income

CAI - Contribution from Available Income (Independent Student)

DNW - Discretionary Net Worth

APA - Education Savings and Asset Protection Allowance

PCA - Parents' Contribution from Assets

AAI - Adjusted Available Income

TPC - Total Parents' Contribution

TSC - Total Student's Contribution

PC - Parents' Contribution

SIC - Dependent Student's Income Contribution

SCA - Dependent Student's Contribution from Assets

What if I don't get a Student Aid Report (SAR) or I need another copy?
If you do not receive a SAR within four weeks, call this federal student aid information number, 1-800-4-FED-AID. It is not necessary for you to send your SAR to the school, all schools you selected on your application will receive an electronic copy.
What is Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)?
As required by federal regulations, all students requesting financial aid must maintain a cumulative grade average of 2.0 "C" or greater and complete an acceptable percentage of the program's scheduled objectives as defined in the SAP policies. A student who does not maintain Satisfactory Progress will lose financial aid eligibility. A copy of SAP policies are available here and are included with every award notification. It is the student's responsibility to read and understand the policy.
When will I receive my Pell Grant?
Financial aid awards are normally released at the start of each semester. As a financial aid recipient, your financial aid award funds will first be used to pay your tuition/fees, and any other charges on your account. After all WSCC bills are paid for the semester, the balance of your financial aid money will be issued to you in the form of a check from the Cashier's Office or made available by direct deposit if the student elects to use this option. Balance of aid checks (awards over the cost of tuition and fees) are disbursed beginning 10-14 days after the term begins. Students should check the term appropriate timetable or WSCC website for actual dates.
How do I apply for a Pell Grant and other types of need-based aid?
You must submit a FAFSA in order to determine eligibility for federal and state aid. Also, visit the federal website for more information and guidance about applying for aid.
What is Verification?
Verification is a federally mandated quality control process in which files are selected at random to check certain data elements on the FAFSA. If your file is selected for verification, the school is required to compare these data elements with the information on your tax returns to "verify" their accuracy. Your SAR will tell you if you have been selected for verification. Approximately 30% of all students are selected for verification. Answers to certain questions automatically trigger verification, such as: reporting no or very low income relative to number of people reported in the household, drastic changes in income or household size from previous year, changes to SAR by student or parent after submission.
What do I do if I am selected for verification?
You will receive an email to your Senators Mail account advising that you were selected for verification. The email will contain instructions directing you to view the Alerts through MyWS for a detailed listing of what is needed to complete the process. Students should submit the required information as quickly as possible to the financial aid office. Verification forms should be completed through your MyWS Account.