Tutoring FAQ

Frequent Questions about Tutoring

Walters State has compiled a list of frequently asked questions about the tutoring services available through student services.

Where is Tutoring Located?

Please view schedule:

Morristown Campus
Student Services Building – L107 (on the lower level). 
Located directly behind the small information building

Sevier County Campus 
Maples Marshall Hall – Room 210

Niswonger Campus
Building 2 – Room 226

How Much Does Tutoring Cost?
Free – Tutoring is free to all Walters State students.
What Subjects can I receive Tutoring in?
Our peer tutors can help in math, science, English, test preparation and study skills. Our tutors will assist with most subjects that Walters State offers. Please email tutoringFREEWS or call 423.585.6920 if you have questions.
Do I Need to Schedule an Appointment?
Most of our tutoring is done on a drop-in basis. We do take appointments if you wish to use a certain tutor or have a tight schedule. You can call or email to request an appointment or just stop by and see if a tutor is available for your subject.
What Do I Need to Bring to Tutoring?

Please bring items needed for your subject which may include:

  • Your instructors written assignment or class handouts
  • Textbook or access to digital book
  • Class Notes
  • Any materials you feel you and the tutor will need
How Does a Tutoring Session Work?

The tutoring sessions are handled different for each subject. Our tutors are here to help you succeed. The tutor will assist you with questions and help you understand the subject but will not do your work for you. The tutor will help to serve as a guide to get your assignment done. The tutors can help with study skill suggestions, computer assistance, and time management.


A writing assignment may include giving you suggestions on how to improve your writing skills and pointing out examples in your draft to help get you started. Our tutors can help with outlines, formatting and citing papers. The tutor’s job is to help you get started, assist with concepts and ideas and be there for questions. The tutor cannot write your paper for you.


Math tutoring will include showing the tutee a few sample problems and remaining available as you do the rest of the problems if you have questions.

Study Techniques:

Our tutors can help you identify your learning style and give you tips on the best ways to study. Other study helps could include:

  • Review key concepts from courses
  • Assist with Test Preparation and study strategies
  • Help with preparation for class
  • Computer assistance
  • Time management
What are the Benefits of Tutoring?
  • You will gain a better understanding of the material from tutors who have mastered the coursework
  • You will be able to review key concepts from courses
  • You will be able to ask the questions you did not ask in class
  • You will be better prepared to participate in class
  • You will learn new methods for note taking and textbook reading
  • You will learn new study strategies



Morristown Campus
Student Services Building L107
View Map
Phone: 423.585.6920

Sevier County Campus
Maples Marshall Hall 210
View Map
Phone: 865.286.2787

Niswonger Campus
Room 226
View Map
Phone: 423.798.7982

Claiborne County Campus
Room 123A
View Map
Phone: 423.798.7982

Newport Center
Virtual Only
Phone: 423.798.7982

Hours vary by campus, please call or email to confirm hours.