Students are encouraged to complete a Walters State application and register as soon as possible. Registering early allows for more flexibility when building a schedule as more course offering and times are available.
For the most recent class information:
Not sure how to register for classes online? Below is a step by step guide.
add a course online or search for a class online
All degree-seeking students must meet with an Academic Advisor before registering for classes.
A step by step guide to registering for classes online
If you have any required developmental courses, they will be listed at the top of the page.
If you know the CRN for the course, you may enter the five-digit CRN in the Add Classes Worksheet.
If you need to search for available class sections, please see below for information about searching for classes online
After submitting your Add/Drop Courses, you will receive one of the following messages:
Web Registered
You have been registered in the course.
You have errors that need to be corrected. If you encounter any of the following errors and need assistance, please contact: Student Enrollment Services at 423-585-2685.
PREQ and Test Score-Error
Either the course you are registering for has a pre-requisite or you are not eligible
to take the course based on your test scores.
Duplicate CRN
You have already registered for the course using the same CRN or another CRN assigned
to that same course.
CRN Does Not Exist
Invalid CRN number.
Time Conflict
Course you are trying to register for has a time conflict with another course you
are already registered for.
Repeat Grade Restriction
You have already taken the course you are trying to register for and made an A or
B in the course
Section Closed
Class is full.
You can view a schedule of your registered classes
A step by step guide to searching online for classes
You can also narrow your search results by selecting a particular campus, day, time, etc. Keep in mind that the more search criteria you enter, the more narrow your results.
When the available class sections appear, you may click the "SELECT" box on the left of the screen and do one of the following:
Click "REGISTER" at the bottom of the page to try to register for that course
Course will be added to the registration worksheet, but will not attempt to register you for the course
Student Success Center
Morristown Campus
CCEN 222
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Phone: 423.318.2337
All Day
10:00 AM