Student Information 1.800.225.4770 press 1 - Weather Related Cancellations |
Niswonger Campus 423.798.7940 press 8 - Weather Related Closings |
Sevier County Campus 865.774.5800 press 9 - Weather Related Updates |
Claiborne County Campus 423.626.6200 press 7 - Weather Related Updates |
Students and employees are requested to check for updated messages once a decision has been made because on occasion, due to an unexpected and sudden change in the weather and road conditions, a decision is modified. In all instances decisions are made with the safety of students and employees foremost in consideration but with an attempt to have classes if possible. However, on a day or evening when classes are being conducted and weather conditions are questionable, students are advised to use individual judgment on whether or not to attend classes. Students will be provided an opportunity to make up work missed for absences incurred for days when conditions are questionable but classes are meeting.
For information related to the cancellation of classes due to inclement weather, please check the following for announcements:
Dual Enrollment
High school students taking dual enrollment classes, please follow the following instructions based on where your dual enrollment classes meet.
Note: Due to instructor schedules on the college campuses, dual enrollment classes taught by college faculty will not meet when the high school is on a delayed schedule if the classes are regularly scheduled before the delay begins. For example, if a dual enrollment class regularly meets at 8:00 a.m., and the high school is on a two-hour delay, the dual enrollment class will not meet that day.
Snow and Ice Clearance Schedule
Morristown Campus Snow Removal Map
In order to facilitate safe vehicular and pedestrian movement on college property during periods of inclement weather, Walters State maintains a systematic schedule for clearing snow and/or ice and salting, if necessary, campus walkways, parking lots, and roadways. The priority of work for the various areas of college property is as follows: (1) primary walkways, (2) roadways, (3) parking lots, and (4) secondary walkways.
As a safety precaution, students, faculty, and staff should use the primary walkways to access college facilities.
Normally, the primary walkways will be cleared and, if necessary, salted prior to the start of the day’s classes. In addition, continuous related maintenance efforts will be provided throughout the day for as long as conditions remain such that re-icing could occur.
All Day
11:00 AM
Olympic Champion, Scholar Edwin Moses to Be at Morristown Campus