ESL Studies offer support to students whose first language is not English.
Any student whose first language is not English should meet with: Michelle%20Mitrik (Morristown, Niswonger, and Claiborne County Campuses) to schedule any of the following services.
Students can receive specialized advising help by scheduling an appointment with Michelle Mitrik. This help includes guiding ESL students in the appropriate courses to take and scheduling additional help in the form of tutoring and other resources.
ESL students can schedule to meet with a peer tutor who can help them with language sensitive issues. Tutoring can include essay assistance, additional help with reading problems, language practice, and additional resources for language improvement, just to name a few.
Students who want to improve their language skills have free access to an online language program called Tell Me More. The software first tests the student to determine language level. After testing, the student may practice language within his or her major. Also, the student may choose to practice language by category: grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, writing, or culture and civilization.
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