Termination of VA Benefits

Learn About Termination

Class Attendance

The college's Veterans Officer will monitor class attendance via the college system. Students who do not attend on a regular basis, stop attending, or withdraw (officially or unofficially) will be reported to the appropriate VA agency. Such notification may include a last date of attendance for each class, and may result in adjustment or termination of your benefit eligibility.


Academic Suspension

A student who is placed on academic suspension will immediately have his/her GI Bill®* benefits terminated.

* GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.


Educational Benefits Overpayments

An overpayment may result if you receive a grade of I, W, or AU, which are not used in computing requirements for your degree program/graduation, or if you repeat a course in which you previously received a passing grade, unless a higher grade in that course is required for graduation.

Additional causes for overpayments:

    • You stop attending classes
    • You withdraw from school
    • Failure to report that you are receiving Tuition Assistance (TA) while you are receiving the same benefit thru the VA

Avoiding Education Overpayments

To avoid overpayment of benefits, veterans and dependents must immediately report to the Veterans Officer any change in credit hours, drop/add, withdrawal or termination of attendance!

    • Failure to repay an overpayment will result in adverse credit and debt collection may be turned over to a collection agency or the IRS.
    • Contact the Veterans Officer before you cash your next check if you suspect a change in credit load or termination of attendance, as these circumstances could result in an overpayment.


Mitigating Circumstances

If you change enrollment status or withdraw from the college, you will be asked to provide a statement explaining the events that caused the change in enrollment. Mitigating circumstances are unanticipated and unavoidable "events" that interfere with your pursuit of a course. Withdrawal to avoid a failing grade, dislike of the instructor, or attempting too many courses are not considered mitigating circumstances. Submission of the statement does not constitute automatic approval. It will be submitted to the appropriate VA agency for final determination.

If you do not provide a statement, or mitigating circumstances are not acceptable, the VA may reduce or terminate your benefits effective the beginning of the term, rather than your actual last date of attendance.


Veteran Center

Room U181
Student Services Building
View Map

Phone: 423.585.6896


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