The Technical Certificate, Basic Law Enforcement Officer Education is offered through
the Regional Law Enforcement Training Academy. Students may be seeking to enter the
law enforcement field. Other students are employed by law enforcement agencies and
attend the Academy for training. Graduates meet the standard established by the Tennessee
Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission (POST). The 23 college credits earned
for successful completion of this program may be applied toward the Associate of Applied
Science degree in Public Safety, Law Enforcement concentration. This intensive, nine-week
course houses students at the Walters State Niswonger Campus. This degree is not intended
for students planning to transfer to a four-year college or university.
The career finder can help students decide upon the best career path for their area of study. It can provide valuable insights about occupations, salary, and employment trends related to each program of study offered at Walters State Community College. View the projected job growth and labor statistics for this academic program by entering a location.
*Modern Campus Pathways uses data provided by Lightcast.
At Walters State, we focus on your success. Our classes are small and professors care about their students’ academic and career goals. Transfer to four-year colleges and universities is seamless through the Tennessee Transfer Pathway and articulation agreements. Want to start a career right after Walters State? Our technical certificates and associate of applied science degrees will train you for in-demand jobs in exciting fields, such as public safety, healthcare, technology and business.
Students must apply, meet admission requirements, and be accepted by Walters State Community College (WSCC).
In Addition:
To be considered for admission to the Regional Law Enforcement Training Academy (RLETA), candidates must comply with all guidelines and requirements set forth below. There are no exceptions. Non-law enforcement candidates must be 18 years old at the time of entering the academy.
The cost and fees associated with attending the Regional Law Enforcement Training Academy are available on the RLETA Fee Schedule page.
Some RLETA students may qualify for the Tennessee Reconnect Scholarship Program which assists adult learners in meeting edcuational goals. Find out more about Tennessee Reconnect.