Parenting and Divorce

Parenting and Divorce (Court Ordered)

As of January 1, 2001, the State of Tennessee has mandated that all divorcing parents with minor children attend a four-hour Parent Education Seminar prior to their final hearing (HB 1512 and SF 1885). The seminar teaches the importance of protecting and enhancing the child's emotional development during this difficult time. The seminar, called Parenting and Divorce, does not tell parents how to raise their children; rather this class aims to accomplish four simple, but highly important goals. They are:

  • How to strengthen the family unit by focusing on what the children are going through and ways to help children cope with the divorce and feelings of loss.
  • How to communicate more effectively with your children and your former spouse.
  • How to identify the warning signs of depression and anger with your children.
  • How to handle the trauma children face during and after the family unit changes due to divorce or separation.



Morristown Campus & Youth Programs
SSB U102

Greeneville Campus and Corporate Training
RM 102

Sevierville Campus and Health Program
MMH 121


Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.