The DSST Subject Standardized Tests (DANTES) for which Walters State Community College awards credit are listed below.
Name of Dantes (DSST) Exam | Rubric and WSCC Course Number |
Human Resource Management |
MGMT 2570 |
Ethics in America | PHIL 2400 |
Introduction to Business |
BUSN 1010 |
Principles of Financial Accounting |
ACCT 1010 |
Principles of Public Speaking |
SPCH 1010 |
Fundamentals of College Algebra |
MATH 1710 |
Principles of Statistics |
MATH 1530 |
Introduction to Computing |
INFS 1010 |
Art of the Western World |
ARTH 2010 |
Lifespan Developmental Psychology |
PSYC 2130 |
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