Walters State Talented and Gifted Now Registering for 2024
October 25, 2023

Talented and Gifted Program Now Registering for 2024
Registration for Walters State’s Talented and Gifted (TAG) Program is now
open. TAG offers enrichment courses for students in grades five through eight. TAG
will meet for four consecutive Saturdays beginning Jan. 13.
Sessions meet from 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. The cost is $199 with a limited number
of scholarships available on a first-come, first served basis. Free transportation
for participants will be provided by these school systems: Cocke County, Greeneville
City, Greene County, Hancock County, Hawkins County, Jefferson County and Sevier County.
“TAG classes are unique hands-on projects, ranging from pottery to crime
scene investigation,” said Dr. Nicole Cardwell-Hampton, youth coordinator for the
college’s Division of Workforce Training. “Most of the classes offer a preview of
possible careers. Students get their first experiences on a college campus, meeting
college instructors and students.”
Students choose two out of 34 subjects. One of the most intriguing new
classes is “Butter Up.” Students will learn about the process and actually make butter
and cheese. Other new classes include Chinese and Scratchers, a custom easy-to-understand
programming language.
The most popular classes, according to Cardwell-Hampton, are Marine Biology,
where sharks are dissected; Surviving the Outback; Muggle Studies for Harry Potter
fans, and Underwater Robotics.
TAG packets, including registration information, are available at area
middle schools and online at The registration deadline is Dec. 7. Gift certificates are available.
For more information, contact Cardwell Hampton at 423-585-6756 or