Celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month Oct. 24
October 17, 2024

Alumni to Speak Oct. 24
UPDATE: This event has been moved to the Lyceum of the Dr. Wade B. McCamey Student Services Building on the Morristown Campus.
Two Walters State Community College alumni will return to the Morristown Campus to share their inspiring stories as the college celebrates National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Randy Atkins and Jimi Kyle will speak at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24, in the Lyceum of the Dr. Wade B. McCamey Student Services Building on the Morristown Campus.
Atkins graduated from Walters State in 2010 and earned a bachelor’s of business administration
from King University. He is the owner of Rooster’s Vending Service, which operates
in four counties. He is legally blind due to an inherited eye disease, retinitis Pigmentosa.
He plans to share how he navigated the road to employment with a disability and the
resources that are available through vocational rehabilitation services.
Kyle graduated from Walters State in 2015 and is pursuing a bachelor’s degree from
Tennessee State University. Kyle suffered an aneurysm in 2006, spending months in
a coma. He had to relearn many things he had taken for granted, including the ability
to walk. He has worked for Family Dollar for since 2009 and is now an assistant store
manager. He plans to share his experience in living and working with a disability,
including available community programs
This event is open to the community, and everyone is invited to attend.