Class 132 Completes Walters State Regional Law Enforcement Training Academy
June 6, 2024

Fifty Cadets Complete Regional Law Enforcement Training Academy
Walters State Community College celebrated the graduation of Class 132 from the Walters
State Regional Law Enforcement Training Academy on June 6. Fifty cadets completed
the course.
Based at the college’s Niswonger Campus in Greeneville, the academy is an intensive
nine-week course, providing over 500 hours of training. Upon completion, students
are awarded the technical certificate in Basic Law Enforcement Officer Education.
Once employed by a law enforcement agency, graduates are eligible to apply for certification
by the Police Officer Standards and Training Commission as a certified peace officer
in the state of Tennessee. The academy is part of the college’s Public Safety Center
of Emphasis, a designation recognizing its outstanding record in career preparation.
Awards were given to outstanding students in established disciplines.
Academic Award: Seara Brooks, Clarksville Police Department.
Defensive Tactics Award: Ashton Lebel.
J.R. Ensor Firearms Award: Brian Corcoran, Clarksville Police Department.
Charles Edward Baskette Memorial Award for Courage and Determination: Lisa Haislip,
Sevier County
Sheriff’s Office.
Best Athlete: Seth Walters, Clarksville Police Department.
Defensive and Tactical Driving: Caleb Young, Johnson City Police Department.
David Purkey Leadership Award: Ryan Anderson, Clarksville Police Department.
Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police Award: Jonathon Long, Mt. Juliet Police
Tennessee Sheriff’s Association Award: Chad McFarland.
COCKE COUNTY: Austin Kress, Newport, Cocke County Sheriff’s Office.
DAVIDSON COUNTY: Coleman Lewis, Goodlettsville, Robertson County Sheriff's Office.
DEKALB COUNTY: Levi Cantrell, Smithville, Dekalb County Sheriff’s Office.
DICKSON COUNTY: Zachariah Terry, Cumberland Furnace, Clarksville Police Department.
FENTRESS CUONTY: Thomas Harris, Jamestown, Fentress County Sheriff’s Office.
HAMBLEN COUNTY: Dustin Frost, Mark Holbert, Chad McFarland and Dakota Suggs, all of
Morristown and all with the Hamblen County Sheriff’s Office.
HAWKINS COUNTY: Steven Brooks, Rogersville, student.
JEFFERSON COUNTY: Kyle Norwood, Jefferson City, Grainger County Sheriff’s Office;
Justin Breshears, Jefferson County, Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department.
KNOX COUNTY: Christopher Tarallo, Knoxville, Jefferson City Police Department; Aaron
Crawford, Knoxville, University of Tennessee Medical Center Security.
MONTGOMERY COUNTY: Ryan Anderson, Carson Armitage, Dylan Blair, Renford Bonner, Amanda
Buckley, Brian Cocoran, Quartez Harrison, Jennifer Hart, Chase Kalena, Merwan O’Hanrahan
and Seth Walters, all of Clarksville and all with the Clarksville Police Department;
Daniel Valley, Clarksville, Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office; Seara Brooks, Fort
Campbell, Clarksville Police Department; Savana Gibbons and Kaleb Lane, both of Southside
and both with the Clarksville Police Department.
PICKETT COUNTY: Logan South, Byrdstown, Pickett County Sheriff’s Office.
ROBERTSON COUNTY: Ethan White, Greenbrier, Robertson County Sheriff’s Office.
SEVIER COUNTY: Jacob Deal, Sevierville, Pigeon Forge Police Department; Brita Cardenas
both of Sevierville and both with the Sevier County Sheriff’s Office; Ethan Sutton,
Sevierville, Sevierville Police Department.
STEWART COUNTY: Collin Robertson, Indian Mound, Clarksville Police Department.
SUMNER COUNTY: David Nash, Oak Grove, Clarksville Police Department.
SULLIVAN COUNTY: Joshua Holsclaw, Elizabethton, Bluff City Police Department; Keyshawn
Artrip and Ricardo Benitez, both of Kingsport and both with the Kingsport Police Department;
Brandon Jones, Kingsport, Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office.
WAYNE COUNTY: Andrew Mills, Waynesboro, Wayne County Sheriff’s Office.
WILLIAMSON COUNTY: Andrew Canon, Franklin, Franklin Police Department; Ashton Lebel,
Spring City, Franklin Police Department.
WILSON COUNTY: Jonathan Long, Lebanon, Mt. Juliet Police Department.
WASHINGTON COUNTY: Christopher Pineda, James Richardson and Caleb Young, all of Johnson.
City and all with the Johnson City Police Department.
MIDDLESBORO, KENTUCKY: Aaron Sexton, Lafollette (Tennessee) Police Department.