Class 133 Completes Academy
September 17, 2024

Class 133 Completes Academy
Walters State Community College celebrated the graduation of Class 133 from the Walters
State Regional Law Enforcement Training Academy on Sept. 12. Fifty-four cadets completed
the course.
Based at the college’s Niswonger Campus in Greeneville, the academy is an intensive
nine-week course, providing over 500 hours of training. Upon completion, students
are awarded the technical certificate in Basic Law Enforcement Officer Education.
Once employed by a law enforcement agency, graduates are eligible to apply for certification
by the Police Officers Standards and Training Commission as a certified peace officer
in the state of Tennessee.
Awards were given to outstanding students in established disciplines.
Academic Award: Tyler Rohrig, Clarksville Police Department
Defensive Tactics Award: Runzhou Zhu, Johnson City Police Department
J. R. Ensor Firearms Award: Kyle Peterson, Jefferson City Police Department
Charles Edward Baskette Memorial Award for Courage and Determination: Joseph Mothey,
Tennessee State University Police Department
Best Athlete: George Wilson, Oak Ridge Police Department
Defensive and Tactical Driving: Gage Reno, Johnson City Police Department
David Purkey Leadership Award: Michael Mazingo, Clarksville Police Department
Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police Award: Timothy Coleman Jr., Clarksville
Tennessee Sheriffs Association Award: Zachary Rollar, Sevier County Sheriff’s Office
ANDERSON COUNTY: George Wilson of Oak Ridge, Oak Ridge Police Department.
CAMPBELL COUNTY: Heath Hirsbruner, Lafollette, student.
COCKE COUNTY: Adin Ladd of Newport, Newport Police Department.
DAVIDSON COUNTY: Joseph Mothey of Antioch, Tennessee State University Police Department;
Aaron Gray of Nashville, Mt. Juliet Police Department
DEKALB COUNTY: Caleb Berninger of Smithville, Dekalb County Sheriff’s Office.
GREENE COUNTY: Dakota Dean and Dakota Price, both of Greeneville and both Greeneville
Police Department; Conner Pate of Mohawk, Hamblen County Sheriff’s Office.
HAMBLEN COUNTY: Dylan Cribley of Morristown, Hamblen County Sheriff’s Office.
HAWKINS COUNTY: Joseph Stapleton of Mount Carmel, Mt. Carmel Police Department.
JEFFERSON COUNTY: Zachary Rollar of Dandridge, Sevier County Police Department.
KNOX COUNTY: Jose Santiago of Farragut, Oak Ridge Police Department; Kyle Peterson
of Jefferson City, Jefferson City Police Department.
LAWRENCE COUNTY: Anthony Potts of Loretto, Wayne County Sheriff’s Office.
MARSHALL COUNTY: Brandon Perry of Chapel Hill, Franklin Police Department
MONTGOMERY COUNTY: Matthew Bingaman, Joshua Childress, Timothy Coleman Jr., Hunter
Henderson, Michael Mazingo, Daniel Murphy, Antonio Ramírez, Robert Richardson, Christopher
Rodriguez, and Tyler Rohrig, all of Clarksville and all Clarksville Police Department.
JOHNSON COUNTY: Andrew Dugger of Shady Valley, Johnson City Police Department.
MAURY COUNTY: Travis Whitehall of Columbia, Franklin Police Department.
RUTHERFORD COUNTY: Shadae Richardson of Smyrna, Tennessee State University Police
SEVIER COUNTY: Chester Hicks of Sevierville, Sevier County Sheriff’s Office; Ryan
McCroskey of Sevierville, Pigeon Forge Police Department.
SULLIVAN COUNTY: Jacob Edmisten of Bluff City, Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office; Timothy
Cisneros of Kingsport, Johnson City Police Department; Joshua McDonald, Caleb Presnell
and James Proffitt, all Kingsport and Kingsport Police Department; Terry Ware of Kingsport,
Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office; Bryan Zody of Blountville, Johnson City Police Department;
Runzhou Zhu of Blountville, Johnson City Police Department.
SUMNER COUNTY: Sancho Head of Gallatin, Tennessee State University Police Department.
WASHINGTON COUNTY: Jonathan Baker, Dakota Cochran, Neil Davenport, Austin Justiss,
Gage Reno and Thomas Russell, all of Johnson City and all Johnson City Police Department;
Kevin Brown of Telford, East Tennessee State University Police Department.
WAYNE COUNTY: Seth Flippo, Wesley Nutt and Kyle Reeves, all of Waynesboro and all
of Wayne County Sheriff’s Office.
WILLIAMSON COUNTY: Noah Cline and Matthew Saad, both of Franklin and both Franklin
Police Department.
Kody Shelton of Duffield, Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office.
Austin Demory of Gate City, Kingsport Police Department.