Occupational Therapy Research Expo Planned Dec. 1
November 25, 2022

Walters State’s occupational therapy assistant students will be holding a research
expo at the Niswonger Campus on Thursday, Dec. 1, from 4-7 p.m.
The Walters State Occupational Therapy Assistant Program will host a Occupational
Therapy Research Expo on Thursday, Dec. 1, from 4-7 p.m. at the Niswonger Campus in
Greeneville. Occupational therapy practitioners will receive a two-hour CEU certification
with attendance.
Research will be presented through a poster presentation gallery. This is a drop-in
eent and those attending may come at their convenience.
Students and faculty members will be available to discuss research or talk about the
field in general.
“I am proud to show the research completed this semester by our students,” Courtney
Boren, program director and occupational therapist, said. “This is also an excellent
way for interested indivduals to learn about our program and occupational therapy
assistant careers.”
The presentations feature evidence-based work completed by first-year and second-year
students. Boren hopes students will present their research at state or regional conferences.
“This process teaches students how to critically look at evidence-based research.
Those skills will guide future decisions. We want to train our students to be lifelong
learners in the occupational thearpy field,” Boren said.
For more information, contact Boren, director of the program, at 423-797-8187 or Courtney.Boren@ws.edu.
CUTLINE: Walters State’s occupational therapy assistant students will be holding a
research expo at the Niswonger Campus on Thursday, Dec. 1, from 4-7 p.m.