Shamrock Shuffle, One-Mile Fun Runs Scheduled in March

February 27, 2025

The Shamrock Shuffle 5k is March 8.
The Shamrock Shuffle 5k and two one-mile fun runs are planned in March.

Shamrock Shuffle 5k Scheduled for March 8

Start your St. Patrick’s Day shenanigans at Walters State’s Shamrock Shuffle 5k and One-Mile Fun Run on March 8 on the Morristown Campus. End the shenanigans at the Sevier County Campus One-Mile Fun Run on March 22. 

The Shamrock Shuffle circles the Morristown Campus and the College Square Mall, providing a mix of flat and moderate inclines. Take your time enjoying the signs of spring or shoot for your personal best. Check-in begins at 7 a.m. with runners lining up at 7:50 a.m. The race will officially start at 8 a.m. The cost is $25 for alumni, students and employees. General admission is $30 with day of event registration $40. 

Check-in for the Morristown One-Mile Fun Run will begin at 11 a.m. with the race beginning at noon. This run is on the Public Safety Campus and includes a run around the driving course. The cost for alumni, employees and students is $20. Registration on the day of the event is $30.

The Sevier County Campus One-Mile Fun Run begins at Kile-Ogle Hall to Jim Hickman Road and includes the campus perimeter. Chick-in begins at 11 a.m. with the race beginning at noon.

While supplies last, Shamrock Shuffle runners receive a long-sleeve, dri-fit shirt and one-mile runners receive a T-shirt. To register, visit For more information, contact Jonathan Nash at or 423-585-6976.