OER Resources
OER in Tennessee
Curriculum and Lesson Planning
Big History Project
Social studies/history lesson plans, videos, and activities that fit within a free
course (for teachers to implement).
Community of Online Research Assignments
A collection of research assignments that is shared with and by librarians, faculty,
and other educators. The research assignments include best practices as well as informative
user feedback.
Community College Consortium for Open Education
CCCOER is a growing consortium of community and technical colleges committed to expanding
access to education and increasing student success through adoption of open educational
policy, practices, and resources.
Creative Commons Collections
Contains images and other materials licensed under Creative Commons. Be sure to check
use requirements for each resource.
The online tool for teaching with documents, from the National Archives.
OERs in English/Language Arts, History, Foreign Language, and Culture. Student activities
and lesson plans include videos, interactive resources, and curriculum. While for
K-12, many resources are applicable to first two years of college.
Illinois Open Educational Resources (IOER)
A database of OERs compiled and curated for Illinois educators. OERs include educational
websites, museums, online games & activities, curriculum, and related research. Includes
resources for Higher Education.
Khan Academy
Very popular online courses, videos, and supplementary materials. Applicable to higher
Lumen Learning
Explore content that aligns with curriculum in most disciplines, especially general
education and business courses.
Merlot II
Used in higher education, this OER provides lessons and activities in all disciplines.
Many can be modified for middle and high school students.
Search through 114 different sites at once, including digital presses, MOOCs, and
Digital Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
OER Commons
A large repository of digital resources, searchable by keyword, subject, grade, standard,
and even language. Each result details the terms of use for ease of implementing in
the classroom. Can be used in higher education.
Open Course Library
A collection of shareable and adaptable activities, materials, assessments, and readings
for a variety of disciplines. The information is managed by the Washington State Board
for Community and Technical Colleges.
Open Learn
A repository of courses and materials for a multitude of subjects and topics provided
by The Open University.
Open Pedagogy Notebook
This website is designed to serve as a resource for educators interested in learning
more about open pedagogy. Browse through examples, which include both classroom-tested
practices and budding ideas, and to consider contributing examples of your own experiments
with open pedagogy.
The Public Domain Review
Founded in 2011, The Public Domain Review is an online journal and not-for-profit
project dedicated to the exploration of curious and compelling works from the history
of art, literature, and ideas.
Science NetLinks
Created by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, this site includes
science lessons for grades K-12. Upper level lessons may be applicable to higher ed
with some modifications.
Museums and Organizations
American Memory
Open access to American historical documents, sound recordings, videos, and other
media such as photographs.
Over 54 million pieces of artwork, music, videos, and books from across Europe.
Note: These resources are not technically OERS, but you can access and use them freely
based on terms of use, copyright law, and fair use. Read the fine print.
World Digital Library
Launched in 2009, the World Digital Library (WDL) was a project of the U.S. Library
of Congress, with the support of UNESCO, and contributions from libraries, archives,
museums, educational institutions, and international organizations around the world.
OER Textbooks
Directory of Open Access Books
DOAB is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly,
peer-reviewed open access books and helps users to find trusted open access book publishers.
All DOAB services are free of charge and all data is freely available.
Open Textbook Library
800+ Textbooks available with a print option (pay). These are peer reviewed and often
include reviews from other professors.
Open Stax
OpenStax is a nonprofit based at Rice University, and it’s our mission to improve
student access to education. 20+ Textbooks.
Pressbooks Directory
Over 5,000 open access textbooks published by approximately 150 organizations and
networks. Nearly all books are highly accessible, and many include interactive H5P
learning activities to engage learners.
OER Books and Videos
HathiTrust offers reading access to the fullest extent allowable by U.S. copyright
law, computational access to the entire corpus for scholarly research, and other emerging
services based on the combined collection.
All Libretexts libraries are accessible to everyone via the internet, completely free.
LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain, and then release
the audio files back onto the net for free. All audio is in the public domain.
Open Stax CNX
Textbooks originally for college, but adaptable for teaching, reteaching, or remediation
in high school environments. Math, Science, History, Business, and Social Sciences
textbooks available.
PBS Video
Videos made available through PBS. (These are subject to copyright - read fine print
and use within Fair Use.)
Over 50,000 elementary through secondary education videos with over 5,000 categories,
this site features videos for classroom use curated and compiled by teachers. Can
be useful in higher education.
Images and Graphics
Over 1,000,000 free (do-whatever-you-want) high-resolution photos brought to you by
the world’s most generous community of photographers.
Flat Icon
Free, well-designed graphic vector images to use (with attribution) in the Selection
Flickr The Commons
Under "The Commons," cultural institutions that have reasonably concluded that a photograph
is free of copyright restrictions are invited to share such photograph under their
new usage guideline called "no known copyright restrictions."
The Getty Open Content
The Getty makes available, without charge, all available digital images to which the
Getty holds the rights or that are in the public domain to be used for any purpose.
No permission is required.
Music and Film
Citizen DJ
Contains collections of public domain music to browse, but also links to Library of
Congress recordings.
Licenses and Attribution

Creative Commons Licenses foter CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
TASL Guide for Attribution
T = Title A = Author (To whom should credit be given?) S = Source (Where can people find the resource? Provide a link.) L = License (Link to the appropriate CC license deed)
Contact IDEAS
Hours Mon - Thu - 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday - Virtual Hours by Appointment Only
Phone 423.585.6996
Address Dr. David White Instructional Design Suite Morristown Campus Dr. Jack E. Campbell College Center Suite 245
OER Campus Facilitator Kelsey A. Solomon, M.A. 423.585.6963 Contact%20via%20Email