This page provides faculty members with resources to alter their course delivery mode in case of emergency college closure.
To see a QM-designed and reviewed course in action, click this link (opens in a new window) and use the following log-in information:
"WaltersStateQM" for the Username
"WaltersStateQM" for the Password
You will then be able to view a READ 0800 course designed by Candace Justice and Teresa Smith. This project began as a Gateway grant project and has positively impacted WS and TN eCampus students.
The course is located in lower right under "My Courses."
Courses are always in a state of improvement, but this example demonstrates Quality Matters principles.
QM General Standards:
Much thanks to the faculty who have shared their courses and inspired their colleagues.
Guidelines for Teaching Online Courses
This document provides recommendations & tips for effective online course delivery & management. Distance Education also recommends faculty teaching online take QM's Teaching Online: An Introduction to Online Delivery (TOL) course.
Card linkStudent Responsibilities in Taking and Online Course
This link provides tips and guidelines for student management of an online class. Faculty are encouraged to include the link to the guidelines in their course "Getting Started" module in content.
Card link
Division reviews are conducted every 5 years.
Quality Matters is a nationally-recognized program for quality assurance and continuous improvement in online and hybrid courses. WSCC is committed to QM standards for student success and teaching excellence. These research-based best practices can enhance any course delivery mode.
WS encourages instructors who design online courses or teach online to take Quality Matters professional development courses. You will find that the QM principles can also positively affect your on-ground classes.
Here are QM's recommendations:
AURS (Accessibility and Readability) is QM's new resource for making your course accessible to all students. This site is free. Just sign up, and you will have access to a great variety of resources including alt text, video captions and audio descriptions, documents in Word, accessible PDF's, hyperlinks, use of color and font, inclusive teaching practices, UDL, and much more.
The college funds QM professional development for both full-time and adjunct faculty.
If you are interested becoming a member of a QM review team, contact Kay Heck (kay.heckFREEWS) after you complete APPQMR (Applying the QM Rubric) & PRC (Peer Reviewer Course).
The following courses were developed and reviewed thanks to a generous grant provided by the Niswonger Foundation:
AGRM 2310 | BUSN 1290 |
BUSN 2370 | CITC 1306 |
CRMJ 1030 - Chad Bryant | CRMJ 1040 - Chad Bryant |
CRMJ 1050 - Chad Bryant | ECED 1310 Intro to Early Childhood Educ |
ECED 2310 Safe and Healthy Learning Envr | ECED 2390 - Karen Stooksbury |
ECED 2312 - Lisa Mandracchia | EDUC 1030 - Darlene Smith |
ENGL 1010 - Christie Wilson | ENGL 1020 - Christie Wilson |
ENGL 2110 - Joel Wilson | ENGL 2120 - Sherri Jacobs |
ENGL 2410 - Lori McCallister | ENGL 2420 - Kay Heck |
INFS 1010 - Lois Blais | HIST 2010 - Tim Holder |
HIST 2020 - Darrel McGhee | HUM 2010 - Erika Stevens |
HUM 2110 - Laura Ritter | MATH 1530 - David Atkins |
MATH 1710 - Aaron Wilmon | MUS 1030 - Laura Ritter |
PHIL 2640 - Greg Bock | SOCI 1010 - Vivian Gladson |
SOCI 1020 - Chris Baker | SPAN 1010 - Michelle Mitrik |
SPAN 1020 - Erika Stevens | THEA 1030 - T. J. Kent |
List of QM Professional Development Courses Completed by Faculty & Staff
APPQMR (Rubric Course)
DYOC (Designing Your Online Course)
PRC (Peer Reviewer Training)
TOL (Teaching Online)
AAU (Addressing Accessibility & Usability)
For a list of all courses & codes, visit
Name | Courses Completed |
Alcorn, Steve | APPQMR |
Atkins, David | APPQMR, DYOC |
Austin, Gerald | APPQMR |
Baker, Chris | APPQMR, PRC, DYOC |
Baxley, Olivia | IYOC |
Bilotti, Erin | APPQMR, PRC, & CO (Canvas Orientation) |
Blais, Lois | APPQMR |
Booker, James | TOL |
Boren, Courtney | APPQMR |
Boruff, Staci | APPQMR |
Bowman, Troy | APPQMR, DYOC |
Brombach, Cynthia | APPQMR, DYBC, CLTTS |
Bryant, Chad | APPQMR |
Cairns, Joe | APPQMR |
Chandler, Dustin | TOL |
Coffey, LIsa | APPQMR, TOL, MO |
Coker, Paul | APPQMR |
Davis, Carrie | APPQMR |
Davis, Eva | APPQMR, PRC |
de Silva, Eugene | APPQMR, PRC, DYOC, MRC, RCPR, MRR |
de Silva, Eugenie | APPQMR, PRC, DYOC, MRC |
Deaderick, Cathy | APPQMR, PRC |
Deeb, Dennis "DJ" | APPQMR |
Dixon, Bob | APPQMR, PRC, DYOC |
Dixon, Jason | APPQMR, PRC |
Eccles, Lisa | APPQMR, DYOC |
Elkins, Angela | APPQMR, PRC, DYOC, DYBC |
Elliott, Kirstin | APPQMR |
Evans, Amy | APPQMR, PRC |
Fall, Joe | APPQMR |
Farmand, Farnood | APPQMR |
Farr, Nikki | APPQMR |
Faust, Tina | APPQMR, DYOC |
Funke, Michael | APPQMR |
Fincher, Dustin | APPQMR |
Garland, Mark | APPQMR, DYOC |
Goosie, Abigail | APPQMR, PRC |
Griffin, Mary | APPQMR |
Harrah, Joe | K-12 APPQMR, K-12 Reviewer Course |
Hayes, Misty | APPQMR, PRC |
Heck, Kay | APPQMR, PRC, DYOC, QM Coordinator Training |
Hill, Kenneth | APPQMR, PRC |
Hodges, Whitney | APPQMR |
Holder, Timothy | APPQMR, PRC, DYOC |
Howerton, Tera Bunch | APPQMR, PRC, DYOC |
Isasi, Samantha | APPQMR |
Jacobs, Sherri | APPQMR, PRC |
Javed, Rubina | APPQMR |
Jarnagin, Whitney | APPQMR. PRC |
Jenkins, Cary | APPQMR |
Johnson, Kristen | APPQMR, PRC |
Johnson, Vicky | APPQMR, PRC |
Justice, Candace | APPQMR |
Keck, Elissa | APPQMR |
Kerney, Seth | AAU |
Kledzik, Philip | APPQMR |
LaPrise, John | APPQMR |
Larson, Jacquelyn | APPQMR |
Lawrence, Steven | QMSS |
LeRoy, Beth | APPQMR, TOL |
Lubotina, Paul | APPQMR |
Ludwig, Paul | APPQMR, DYOC |
Mandracchia, Lisa | APPQMR, DYOC |
Manix, Kelly | IYOC |
Mayes, Jennifer | APPQMR, PRC, TOL |
McCay, Kenric | TOL, OYOL |
McCroskey, Erin | TOL |
McGhee, Darrel | APPQMR, PRC, DYOC |
McLain, Chippy | APPQMR, DYOC |
McMahan, Jay | TOL |
Mefford, Elizabeth | TOL |
Mills, Jessica | APPQMR, TOL, & PRC |
Mitrik, Miki | APPQMR, PRC, DYOC |
Nepal, Sandhya | APPQMR, TOL |
Noe, Russell | APPQMR |
Owen, Lori | APPQMR, DYOC, PRC |
Owens, Brad | APPQMR |
Parish, Jane | APPQMR, DYOC |
Rawlinson, Terry | APPQMR |
Reeves, John | APPQMR |
Rice, Crystal | APPQMR, DYOC |
Ritter, Laura | DYOC |
Romines, Jill | APPQMR |
Ross, Amy | APPQMR |
Rossie, Gracie | APPQMR |
Rucker, Marty | APPQMR |
Sayne, Holly | APPQMR, DYOC |
Seaton, Shannon | TOL |
Sewell, Tom | APPQMR |
Smith, Larry | APPQMR |
Smith, Teresa | APPQMR |
Spicer-Sutton, Jama | APPQMR, DYOC |
Stephens, Suzanne | APPQMR |
Stevens, Erika | APPQMR, PRC, DYOC |
Stewart, Greg | APPQMR |
Stone, Katherine | APPQMR |
Stooksbury, Karen | APPQMR, PRC, DYOC |
Todaro, Carla | APPQMR, DYOC |
Todaro, Paul | APPQMR, PRC |
Turner, Paul | APPQMR, DYOC |
Turner, Rebecca | APPQMR, DYOC |
Van der Laan, Jessie | APPQMR, PRC, DYOC |
Walker, JoAnn | APPQMR |
Weaver, Elizabeth | APPQMR, PRC, DYOC |
Webb, Susanna | TOL, DYOC |
Westwood, Matthew | APPQMR, PRC |
Williams, Sheila | APPQMR, PRC |
Williamson, Amber | APPQMR |
Winkler, Gail | APPQMR |
Mon - Thu - 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Friday - Virtual Hours by Appointment Only
Dr. David White Instructional Design Suite
Morristown Campus
Dr. Jack E. Campbell College Center
Suite 245
All Day
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
Olympic Champion, Scholar Edwin Moses to Be at Morristown Campus