International Travel Scholarship

Guidelines for International Travel Scholarship Program

Scholarships for $2500 will be awarded for international travel programs taking place during summer semester.

Student Eligibility

  • Must be 18 years old to apply.
  • Minimum 12 hours of college-level credit with a minimum 2.0 GPA.
  • Plan to enroll in WSCC classes during the fall and spring semesters of the school year.
  • Must be in good standing with the college in regard to:
    • Academics
    • Finances
    • Conduct.
  • All of the following must be taken care of before entering the contest:
    • Fees
    • Citations
    • Tuition
    • Any required repayments of financial aid
  • Must have paid the International Fee
    may be full-time or part-time



October 10 at 11:59 PM

Submit the following items to Eileen%20Bowers%20by%20email


Faculty Recommendations

Students applying for the International Travel Scholarship are required to have a Faculty Recommendation completed by a professor who has had them in class and can make a statement regarding their preparedness for the program.

  • Please send your professor a request via email to complete a Faculty Recommendation Form recommending you for the International Scholarship Program.
  • Please include the following link:
    Faculty Recommendation Form
  • Please request that they submit the completed form to Eileen Bowers by the application deadline:
    October 10 at 11:59 PM
  • Also, students must complete the Student Authorization Form
    Authorizing a faculty member to submit a recommendation


Essay Requirements

Cover Page and Essay should be saved as separate files. Email both to Eileen Bowers before the deadline.

Cover Page

  • Full name
  • Mailing address
  • WS ID
  • Senators Mail email address
  • Personal email address
    if available
  • Phone number
    where the student may be reached



  • Anonymous essays are to be no more than 1000 words typed and double-spaced.
  • Explain the value of an international trip, include individual and academic goals
  • Show ways in which traveling abroad would enhance and enrich these goals.
  • Discuss how previous WSCC classes have contributed to personal growth

In addition to these criteria, essays are judged on overall impression, sincerity, and persuasiveness. Students should include college and community activities and service, but avoid including any personal information that would identify them.



Members of the International Fee Oversight Committee will judge essays anonymously to determine finalists.

Judges will interview top scoring applicants before final decisions are reached. Interviews will take place during fall semester. Successful applicants will be contacted by phone and/or email in November.

Choose a Country!

Successful applicants will choose a program with the Tennessee Consortium for International Studies (TnCIS).


Please Note

  • Awarded funds will not cover all trip expenses.
  • Scholarship recipients are responsible for additional expenses not covered by the scholarship amount.
  • Passport, travel insurance and incidentals are solely the responsibility of the student.
  • Successful applicants sign Scholarship Acceptance Agreement prior to funds being awarded.



Applicants accepting scholarship funds will be required to document at least one talk/presentation before a Walters State group before or after the trip – specific details will be scheduled on an individual basis.


  • Talking to a Walters State class telling of your expectations and/or of your adventures traveling abroad
  • A presentation during Learning in the Lyceum or the International Festival